
My Mission

My mission is to help individuals attain the optimal life quality they deserve by connecting to their self-awareness and personal values. By harnessing these two rich personal resources beneficial choices come naturally and habits that sustain or restore health, balance and well-being become effortless and steadfast.

Let's Work Together

My background is in veterinary medicine where I have worked with companion animals and their caregivers for over 30 years.  I have dedicated my energy towards uncovering and understanding issues that impact health and wellbeing.  My life work has been the preservation of health, promoting understanding through education and helping people develop successful, workable steps for the restoration of well-being.
On a more personal level, as someone in burnout-recovery, I understand the sticky and pervasive way that stress destroys health.  I believe each individual is capable and has the abilities and resources to achieve balance and well-being even in the face of daunting circumstances, physical conditions and frightening diagnoses. I also believe a supportive companion on the journey, the coach, promotes dramatic, lasting change.
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Let the System Feed Itself

I’ve successfully created an easy and energizing program for profound personal transformation. It uses practical knowledge, intuition and self-awareness, as well as resources serviceable in the real world, in real-time. The moment you connect to this life and body-transforming system, it begins to feed itself.

You don't have to go it alone

Burnout takes many forms, the physical effects can be long lasting and devastating.  I want to help those experiencing what I once experienced. Allow me to help you rediscover yourself, tap into your inner strengths, heal, and thrive again.